1.) What is the "big idea" (theme) in this book?
The theme in this book is  of a boy named Ponyboy who having lost his parents has only his brothers Sodapop and Darry the three brothers are in a gang called the Greasers who have a strong rivalry with another gang called the Socs. they has been conflict between the two gangs for as long as Pony can remember but he does not like the conflict between the two and like many people he is a lover not a fighter. He is also deeply afraid of the Socs and having lost two member of the gang who are luckily not his brothers Sodapop and Darry he experiences just how cruel the world can be.
2.)What were your thoughts, ideas and opinions about the "big idea" before beginning this novel?
Well, judging by the cover of the book I could tell it was about war and conflict like in the book "Private Peaceful" I also figured out it was about three boys who I made out to be brotherly related. But I did not know there was more to this story than war and the threesome of brothers.
3.)What do you think now?
I think the book is about conflict between the two gangs the Greasers and the Socks along with the deaths of Johnny and Dally two loved ones. Ponyboy could not handle this happenings and his grades started to slip. It is also about what Ponyboy thinks about the rivalry with the Socs and what Ponyboy thinks about the world and experiencing how cruel the world can get.
4.) In the novel, the world is a better place because...(How has the world of your novel changed. How is it different from the beginning of the book?)
At the beginning of the book the world was a cruel place and was filled with gangs that committed murder unto those they hated. For example, the Socs threatened to slice Ponyboy's throat killing him as he was a greaser. they could tell he was a greaser by his greasy hair. As we go further into the book there are a couple of deaths and Sodapop would take Ponyboy anywhere that he was not taking girls. Towards the end of the book the world is more understandable and it seems that some people from both gangs want peace as well. 

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